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Symbol Resolution

The objective of symbol resolution consists in linking name-based textual references to the corresponding node entity in the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). StarLasu provides support for implementing such process with the following building blocks:

  • PossiblyNamed and Named interfaces can be implemented for nodes that can be referenced - see Naming;

  • ReferenceByName properties can be defined in nodes to represent links to other nodes;

  • SymbolResolver instances can be configured to specify symbol resolution logic for each property or node type;

  • Scope instances are used to resolve each reference in the AST;

Representing references among nodes

References between nodes are implemented using ReferenceByName instances in StarLasu. These keep track of the relationship between a name and the referred node, which might be absent until the symbol resolution phase and must be a sub-type of PossiblyNamed.

In Kolasu, for example, we can define a node Person containing a reference friend towards another Person as follows:

data class Person( override val name: String, val friend: ReferenceByName<Person> // <-- reference to another `Person` ) : PossiblyNamed

Instances can then be created providing the name of the referred Person instance. As regards the actual referenced object, it might be provided as initialReferred value if known or left unresolved until symbol resolution.

// reference by name using `name` only val first: Person = Person(friend = ReferenceByName("second")) // reference by name using `initialReferred` value and `name` val second: Person = Person(friend = ReferenceByName("first", first))

In general, references can be resolved using one or more candidates, as follows

second.tryToResolve(first) // <-- `first` is the only candidate second.tryToResolve(listOf(first, second, others)) // <-- list of candidates

While it is possible to manually implement symbol resolution by traversing the AST and updating the referred value for each ReferenceByName property, StarLasu provides support for the declarative specification of symbol resolution rules, as shown in the next section.

Declarative symbol resolution

As mentioned in the previous section, it is surely possible to manually implement symbol resolution as some kind of tree-traversal algorithm. However, StarLasu provides support to ease such task and allows the developer to focus on language-specific concerns by providing rules for each reference in a given AST.

Symbol resolution rule specifications consist of three parts:

  • guard - the reference property for which we want to provide a scope;

  • context - the node from which we want to compute the scope;

  • body - the actual scope definition, i.e. Scope instance;

Each rule produces a Scope instance that is used to resolve a given property. Given a property, StarLasu adopts a precise rule resolution schema. Considering Person::friend, for example, the following steps will be performed:

  1. lookup for a property-based rule having Person::friend as guard and Person as context;

  2. lookup for a property-based rule having Person::friend as guard and any ancestor of the Person node as context;

As soon as one rule is found, the symbol resolver will use it to resolve the reference.

In our example, we could define that friend reference candidates should correspond to aggregating all Person instances contained in the CompilationUnit of the AST as follows:

val symbolResolver = symbolResolver { // property-based rule for Person::friend property scopeFor(Person::friend) { scope { it.findAncestorOfType( ?.walk() ?.filterIsInstance<Person>() ?.forEach(this::define) } } }
Last modified: 06 January 2025