The Starlasu Approach Help


StarLasu offers support for comparing parse trees and ASTs.

See assertParseTreeStr, assertParsingResultsAreEqual, and assertASTsAreEqual in Kolasu.

Coverage of the grammar

Related to this, there is experimental support for verifying the Coverage of a grammar by the examples we have. See CoverageListener in Kolasu.

The goal is that, given a grammar and a set of examples, we want to understand:

  • How many possible paths in the grammar are covered

  • Which alternatives are not covered, so that we can look for appropriate examples

Another solution is to verify the coverage of the generated ANTLR Parser.

Performance testing

To be written.

Test the parser on examples

In practice it is often convenient to run the parser on a larget set of examples and just check if the parser can handle them without finding errors.

Last modified: 10 December 2024